Hygiene Education Training

Ensuring healthier communities

  • Clean water from a well can become contaminated by poor hygiene habits.

  • Hygiene education training improves health and expands the impact of clean water.

  • Our hygiene education program works with community members to identify any hygiene practices in need of improvement.

Our Training Model

WFSS hygiene educators use a “train the trainer” model.

  • Four women and three men in each village participate in a three-day program

  • Educators help trainees identify hygiene practices most in need of improvement

    • Personal hygiene (washing hands, brushing teeth, clipping nails)

    • Safe water practices (cleaning of jerrycans, covering water containers)

    • Food safety (maintaining utensils, storing food away from waste and dirty water)

    • Safe disposal of waste/stool

    • Women’s hygiene

  • Working together, educators and trainees develop a plan to address community needs

  • Trainees then share new knowledge with other community members

 Video clips on safe hygiene practices

Hygiene Awareness Training & Access to Clean Water During COVID-19