2020-21 Drilling Season Summary

We’re pleased to report that we have officially wrapped up another successful operating season! The 2020-21 season began while the world was still dealing with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team prepared for the new season’s drilling, rehab, and hygiene education activities as usual, with added precautions to keep our staff and village residents safe. Although COVID-19 created more logistical challenges than usual in travel and supply procurement, our dedicated team was able to start the 2020-21 season on time. We’re pleased to report the following accomplishments.

  • 48 new wells were drilled, impacting more than 35,000 people every day in:

    • 37 communities

    • 10 primary health care clinics (PHCCs)

    • 4 schools

  • 48 older wells were rehabilitated, ensuring that the flow of precious clean water does not stop

  • 99 hygiene education training programs completed, with 728 individuals trained on basic safe hygiene practices

Our team faced numerous obstacles this year; in addition to COVID-19 precautions, flooding and political instability forced us to make last-minute adjustments to the drilling schedule. Despite these challenges, we were still able to achieve our goals. This summer, our South Sudan-based team will participate in a staff retreat, plan next year’s season goals, prepare the upcoming budget, and explore new partnerships with international NGOs. As for the future, we hope to diversify our funding sources by connecting with other organizations and expanding our work beyond the Bahr el Ghazal region.


Amazing Kids Feature: Students from FS School in ON, Canada